Best Friends

Best Friends

Monday, May 7, 2012

Amazing 'I did this' moment

Today marks the 7 year angelversary of Brandon J Thomas, my hero- my reason for doing all that I do. That means it has been 6 years since I first heard his name... Somewhere back in my blog I am pretty sure I have told my story about that. So now I have an even more incredible story that touched me and had me in tears, I had to share the complete beginning to end with you...
Yesterday morning when I woke, I felt Brandon with me- he was telling me something. I sent Carol a text... "You will change a life today." Carol, is the Gold Star Mother of Brandon, and a pastor at the women's facility at Utah State Prison. She was thrilled with my text, it lit her day up!
Early in the evening I received a message from a friend of mine... and this is what it says (I changed the name to protect my friends privacy)
 Hey sweets. I wanted to share a little something with you. As you know Mandy is out at the prison. She has never been an overly religious person. Well today she was considering going to the LDS meetings and last minute went to the non denom. The lady was telling a story about a young lady that had been a resident out there that had gone to a meeting and lets say something clicked. This young lady now has a tattoo of this lady's young son that is a fallen hero. This tattooed lady rides with a group that honors fallen service men and women and is planning a ride in honor of this lady's fallen son. As she was telling this story she was walking among the congregation Apparently a text message was sent saying "Who are you going to save today?" Lady stops behind Mandy and reaches out and squeezes her shoulder. Mandy knows very little about you or your life. This lady never mentioned a name until he touched Mandy's shoulder and she said Amy.. As this lady said Amy, Mandy was thinking she is talking about my mom's friend Amy.. My dear Amy, Your goodness touches lives in ways you don't even you know about.
WOW, right? I was just bawling reading this! How amazing that not only had I told her she would change a life... but it would be someone I knew! It came back to me! It is such an incredible feeling, I am still getting goose bumps writing this now... still just so amazed and so very happy!
Brandon did this. He continues to change lives, to bring happiness and strength to people every day! And this time, he did it thru me in a little way. I am so blessed to have the life I have, and the people in my life who are here! I DO have a purpose! And what an amazing purpose it is!
This next Saturday is our memorial ride in Brandon's honor, I am so excited to be doing this, and honored to have both of Brandon's parents joining us as well as his brother!
I hope all my friends and anyone who reads this will take a minute to thank whoever it was who changed your life in even the slightest way!
Love and blessings to all! 

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome story Amy! You sound like a truely amazing person. So glad we became friends on FB. I also love what you are doing for all of these families and their loved ones. Keep up the great work!
